Vol. 17, issue 05-06, article # 2

pdf Rakhimov R. F., Uzhegov V. N., Makienko E. V., Pkhalagov Yu. A. Microphysical interpretation of the seasonal and diurnal variability of the spectral dependence of the aerosol extinction coefficient measured along the near-ground paths. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 05-06. P. 339-357.
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The array of data on aerosol extinction coefficient be(l) measured along the near-ground path in the wavelength region of 0.44-3.9 mm has been compiled. This data set is used to retrieve size spectra of atmospheric haze and to analyze the effects of random and regular geophysical factors on the seasonal and diurnal variability of the particle size distribution. The microphysical parameters of the haze were determined through direct modeling of the ensembles of realizations of the aerosol extinction coefficient be(l), whose statistical variability ensured the closeness of the eigenvectors of the autocorrelation matrix rb,b(lk,ll) to those measured under different weather conditions. The factors have been revealed that determine the diurnal behavior of variations in the size fractions of the near-ground haze. Similar factors have been revealed for the transient period between summer and fall. It has been shown that the peculiarity of the spectral behavior of the aerosol extinction coefficients under different weather conditions is a result of characteristic changes in the number of particles falling within three ranges on the size scale: the accumulative fraction (r < 0.45 mm), intermediate fraction (0.45 < r < 2.0 mm), and the coarse one (r > 2.2 mm).