Vol. 1, issue 05, article # 1

Nesmelova L. I., Rodimova O. B., Tvorogov S. D. Absorption Spectra in the 4.3mm Band Wing of CО2. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 05. P. 3-18.
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Theoretical and experimental studies pertaining to the problem of spectral absorption in the high-frequency wing of the 4.3mm CО2-band are reviewed. Observed data for wing absorption as reported by different authors are examined from the standpoint of the typical features involved. Empirical formulae for absorption coefficient are cited and their applicability limits are discussed. A brief account of theoretical absorption models for spectral line wings is given. The adequacy of the model calculations as to complete description of the absorption behaviour in the line wings is analysed. It is shown that the spectral line wing theory appears to have the widest validity range, often providing the first and, in some cases, the only theoretical treatement available so far.