Vol. 10, issue 06, article # 15

pdf Kozlov A. S., Pashchenko S. E., Eremenko S. I., Baklanov A. M., Malyshkin S. B., Olekhnovich E. S., Ivashchenko S. A. Study of dispersed aerosol composition and concentration of minor gas components in temperate and Arctic air masses. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1997. V. 10. No. 06. P. 419-424.
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The data are presented on the dispersed aerosol composition and concentration of minor gas components in the surface layer of the atmosphere for temperate and Arctic air masses obtained in an expedition far from large sources of anthropogenic emissions (Chik settlement, 20–26 February 1996). Interrelation of aerosol characteristics with minor gas components and meteorological parameters is discussed.