Vol. 12, issue 01, article # 5

pdf Isakov A. A. Some results of investigations into the optical and microphysical characteristics of smokes. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1999. V. 12. No. 01. P. 20-27.
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The data of experiments on studying the smokes (one tentative experiment and two complex studies) carried out in 1986–1988 are analyzed. The inverse problem has been solved for about fifty smokes. From these data we have reconstructed the particle size distributions and estimated the real and imaginary components of the refractive index of the particulate matter. It is shown that for most smokes the main mode of particles (i.e. the mode governing the optical characteristics of a smoke in the visible spectral region) is well described, in the first approximation, by a narrow single-mode lognormal size distribution. The size distribution of smoke particles and the complex refractive index of the particulate matter are analyzed in relation to burned materials and regimes of burning. We have used quasi-continuous spectral scanning when recording optical characteristics of smokes. The use of this method enabled us to reveal anomalies in the spectral behavior of optical properties of some smokes in the red portion of the spectral range studied. The calculations made using the model of harmonic oscillator have shown that such anomalies can be explained by the presence of an absorption band in this spectral range.