Vol. 12, issue 04, article # 10

pdf Otmakhov V. I., Petrova E. V., Otmakhova Z. I., Lapova T. V. Chemical and atomic–emission spectral analysis of atmospheric and industrial aerosols for the presence of base metals. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1999. V. 12. No. 04. P. 327-330.
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Aerosol filters of different types, which are used for air sampling, have been studied experimentally. Matrices of various filter materials have been analyzed for the amounts of admixtures extracted from them. BaF2 is recommended to be used as a carrier, which allows one to eliminate the influence of a filter matrix on the results of the atomic–emission analysis. A mechanism of optimizing effect introduced by BaF2 is studied. A chemical and atomic–emission method for analysis of atmospheric air, air in an industrial zone, and industrial emissions has been developed and metrologically approved.