Vol. 12, issue 06, article # 5

pdf Penenko V. V., Kurbatskaya L. I. Study of the sensitivity of the radiation regime of the atmosphere of an industrial region to variations of cloudiness and aerosol loading. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1999. V. 12. No. 06. P. 484-487.
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A method of estimating the sensitivity of the temperature and radiation regimes of the atmosphere above industrial regions to the variation of concentrations of aerosol and gas pollutants is presented.
New elements are added to the radiation block of the combined model of hydrothermodynamics of the atmosphere and pollutant transport to encode the main relations of the theory of sensitivity, namely functionals giving generalized estimates of the state of the atmosphere, and the corresponding system of adjoint equations. As a result of these modifications, we obtain algorithms allowing one to directly estimate the influence of variations of the gaseous component of the atmosphere on the state of the system as a whole, described by the generalized quality functionals.