Vol. 12, issue 07, article # 11

pdf Zuev V. V., Marichev V. N., Khryapov P. A. Peculiarities of stratospheric ozone vertical distribution over Tomsk. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1999. V. 12. No. 07. P. 607-609.
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Comparative analysis of sets of lidar observations over the ozone vertical distribution (OVD) in the stratosphere over Tomsk in summer and winter 1998 has been conducted. The averaged profiles of OVD obtained from 23 and 26 individual high profiles of the ozone for winter and summer, respectively, as well as the profiles of their variability were under analysis. It was noted that above the altitude of the OVD profiles meet (25 km), summer concentration of the ozone is higher than the winter one and, on the contrary, lower 25 km the winter concentration significantly exceeds the summer one. Maximum variability takes place in the low stratosphere at 14–17 km heights both in summer and winter. In winter the atmospheric dynamics forms a considerable relative variability of the ozone at the heights higher 25 km, whereas in summer the ozone variation in the central and upper stratosphere is stabilized by intense photochemical processes. A correlation analysis between layer-to-layer and total ozone content (TOC) has shown most correlation between the TOC and the ozone concentration to be at the maximum height in both seasons. Thus, the top of the ozone maximum layer is shown to contribute mainly into the TOC variability and the layers located lower the maximum – into OVD variability.