Vol. 12, issue 09, article # 5

pdf Firsov K. M., Chesnokova T. Yu. Influence of variations in the CH4 and N2O concentration on long-wave radiative fluxes in the Earth's atmosphere. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1999. V. 12. No. 09. P. 758-763.
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It is generally accepted that the greenhouse effect in the Earth's atmosphere is caused by increasing concentrations of not only carbon dioxide, but also CH4, N2O, and freons. However, the inferred conclusions substantially depend on the accuracy of radiative models which is determined by the quality of spectroscopic information and correct parametrization of the equation of radiative transfer. In this paper, errors in calculation of long-wave radiative fluxes under clear-sky conditions are analyzed. In this context the problem is discussed on the necessity to take into account such greenhouse gases as CH4 and N2O in current radiative models.