Vol. 12, issue 11, article # 16

pdf Karpukhin V. T., Klimovskii I. I., Malikov M. M., Markovets V. V. Peculiarities of CVL and System "CVL-UV-converter" in Regime of Lasers Monitor. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1999. V. 12. No. 11. P. 1015-1019.
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In this paper we consider a system consisting of a copper vapor laser (CVL) with an unstable resonator, Glan prism providing for linear polarization of the laser radiation, DKDP nonlinear crystal to convert visible laser radiation into the UV, and projection optical part of the laser monitor. The results of investigation into the operation of this system in the regime of laser monitor are presented. Radiation from the CVL and the UV converter was focused on a test target. A magnified image of the test target on the monitor screen was analyzed. The results obtained are indicative of the capability of the CVL and the "CVL +UV converter" system of operating in the regime of laser monitor. The main factors hampering the use of the CVL and the "CVL+UV converter" system as a laser monitor are revealed; the ways to eliminate some of them are proposed.