Vol. 15, issue 09, article # 9

pdf Protasevich A. E., Mikhailenko S. N., Starikov V. I. High-excited rotational states of Н2О. Self-broadening and shifting in the v2 band. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2002. V. 15. No. 09. P. 716-721.
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Self-broadening and shift coefficients in the v2 band of the H216O molecule are calculated in two different computational schemes. The calculated values are compared with the experimental ones. It is analyzed how the dependence of the effective dipole moment on the rotational state affects the calculated parameters. The broadening and shift coefficients are calculated using the multi-diagonal form of the molecular Hamiltonian that makes possible obtaining of correct rotation-vibration wave functions for high quantum numbers with allowance for different-type resonance interactions.