Vol. 16, issue 01, article # 9

pdf Beresnev S. A., Kovalev F. D., Kochneva L. B., Runkov V. A., Suetin P. E., Cheremisin A. A. On the possibility of particle's photophoretic levitation in the stratosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2003. V. 16. No. 01. P. 44-48.
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The results of estimation of photophoretic levitation for particles of some particular types of atmospheric aerosol in the stratosphere are presented. The gas-kinetic and electrodynamic aspects of the problem are analyzed. The levitation conditions and altitudes for particles with known optical and thermal properties are discussed. Due to the decrease of effective density and thermal conductivity of real aerosol particles having loose but compact structure and absorbing solar radiation sufficiently well, the photophoretic forces became comparable with gravity. The photophoretic levitation appears possible for carbonaceous soot particles of a different type in the lower stratosphere at altitudes of 15-33 km.