Vol. 16, issue 11, article # 6

pdf Naumenko O. V., Polovtseva E. R. Database of the hydrogen sulfide absorption in the 4400-11400 cm-1 region . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2003. V. 16. No. 11. P. 900-906.
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Detailed rovibrational absorption spectrum of the H2S molecule is calculated in the 4400- 11400 cm-1 spectral region. The present compilation is based on the theoretical analysis of the high-resolution Fourier-transform spectra recorded at the Kitt Peak National Observatory (USA) and the intracavity spectra recorded at the Josef Fourier University, Grenoble, France. The spectrum comprises about 29 000 lines with the intensities exceeding 10-7 cm-2 atm-1 for the FT spectra and in excess of 2 10-9 cm-2 atm-1 for the intracavity spectra. These lines belong to 59 vibrational bands of the H232S, H233S, and H234S molecules including some hot bands originating from the (010) state. In the case of the FT spectra (4400-8040 cm-1), line positions are calculated from the experimental upper energy levels accurate to within 0.0001-0.015 cm-1. Line intensities for the FT spectra were calculated using the transformed transition moment parameters retrieved from fitting to experimental data for the cold bands of the H232S molecule. The accuracy of calculated line intensities varies from 3 to 20%. The experimental positions and calculated intensities are presented in the database for the intracavity spectra (9400-11400 cm-1); the measurement accuracy is 0.003-0.025 cm-1 for line positions and 20-30% for line intensities.