Vol. 17, issue 04, article # 8

pdf Mordvinov V. I., Latysheva I. V., Ivanova A. S., Shchegoleva T. G. Circulation features of intense rains over the Far East cost of Eurasia. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 04. P. 286-291.
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In recent years anomalous weather phenomena do occur more and more often almost everywhere in the world. In the Central and Eastern Asia this tendency is accompanied by a more frequent occurrence of southern processes. Having taken the year 2002, as an example, the synoptic conditions for intense rains in the Amur Region are studied with the special attention paid to the dynamics of high-altitude baric field. It is proposed that the meridional processes intensified due to the development of a ridge over China and Mongolia during the summer Asian monsoon could cause the enhanced amount of precipitation observed in recent years.