Vol. 17, issue 05-06, article # 4

pdf Desyatkov B. M., Borodulin A. I., Sarmanaev S. P., Lapteva N. A., Marchenko V. V., Yarygin A. A. Algorithm of arranging optimal network for monitoring of gas and aerosol admixtures of anthropogenic and natural origin. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 05-06. P. 362-364.
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We consider an algorithm of arranging an optimal atmospheric monitoring network. Such an algorithm is needed in determining minimum number of reference points that would provide for obtaining efficient solution of inverse problems of the atmospheric pollutants dispersal. The algorithm uses successive solution of direct problems on the admixture spread from known sources with the option of selecting variants using some preset selection criteria. An example of determination of the optimal atmospheric network is presented.