Vol. 17, issue 09, article # 8

pdf Makarov V. N., Ohta S. Organic and inorganic carbon in atmospheric aerosols over Yakutia. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 09. P. 690-693.
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This paper analyzes the results of geochemical monitoring of gases and aerosols in the near-surface atmosphere, which has been carried out by researchers from the Permafrost Institute, Russia, and Hokkaido University, Japan, since 1993. The carbon concentrations in atmospheric aerosol were measured at atmogeochemical stations located at the Laptev Sea coast (near Tiksi) and in the Central Yakutia (near Yakutsk). As a result, the monitoring yielded long-term data series on the chemical composition of atmospheric gases and aerosols for the areas with different climate (the nearly arid, continental climate at Yakutsk and the humid, maritime climate in Tiksi) and with different, both quantitatively and qualitatively, anthropogenic impact.