Vol. 17, issue 11, article # 16

pdf Kataev M. Yu., Nikiforova O. Yu. Errors in retrieving the parameters of spectral lines from the absorption spectra. Part 2. The effects of the background and neighboring spectral lines. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 11. P. 852-860.
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The effects of the background component and a wing of a neighboring spectral line on the accuracy of the absorption line parameters retrieval in the presence of random noise have been investigated numerically. The computations have been performed for an absorption spectrum and its frequency derivative. It has been analyzed how the frequency dependence and the parameters of the background affect the error of retrieval of the line position, half-width, and intensity. It was found that adding linear background to the model reduces the errors due to the presence of a neighboring spectral line in determination of the line parameters.