Vol. 18, issue 01-02, article # 14

pdf Volkov S. N., Kaul B. V., Samokhvalov I. V. The use of the circularly polarized radiation in laser sensing of clouds. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2005. V. 18. No. 01-02. P. 91-95.
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Advantages of using the circularly polarized laser radiation in laser sensing of crystal clouds are justified based on our results of investigation of backscattering matrices (BSM) of upper-level clouds. The main advantage is a possibility to estimate the element a44 of the normalized BSM in the experiment, which is almost identical in complexity with the widely used lidar technique for determining the depolarization of linearly polarized scattered radiation. In the case of sensing in zenith, the element a44 characterizes the degree of orientation of particles by their large diameters in the horizontal position under the effect of aerodynamic forces arising during the particle fall.