Vol. 19, issue 11, article # 5

pdf Pushistov P. Yu., Alsynbaev K. S., Chemlyakov N. V., Vtorushin M. N., Ermakov I. S., Danilin A. N., Bolgova V. M., Kazarina O. R., Lisovskii D. A. Numerical simulation of spatiotemporal structure of hydrodynamics and water quality characteristics of Severnaya Sosva river. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 11. P. 858-862.
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The problems of development of base modeling complex for river ecosystem are discussed and the obtained results are presented. This is illustrated by the example of Severnaya Sosva river, a large confluent of Lower Ob, whose basin is located on the territory of Ugra, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region.