Vol. 2, issue 03, article # 2

pdf Vasil'ev O. B. On the tropospheric aerosol absorption for shortwave radiation. II. Water aerosol, clouds and multilayer air masses. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1989. V. 2. No. 03. P. 184-187.
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In the first part of this paper the results of an experimental study of the spectral distribution of the real absorption of shortwave solar radiation in "clear" air masses and in continental air masses are presented. Further, some results of similar experiments are considered when water (or humid) aerosol is present in the atmosphere, in clouds or multilayer air masses.


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4. V.S. Grishechkin and O.B. Vasil’ev, Problemy Fiziki Atmosfery, No. 16, Izdat. LGU, Leningrad, 28 (1980).