Vol. 20, issue 07, article # 13

pdf Zvyagintsev A. M., Seleguei T. S., Kuznetsova I. N. Surface ozone variations at Novosibirsk city. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2007. V. 20. No. 07. P. 591-593.
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Measurements of surface ozone in Novosibirsk in 2003-2005 are analyzed; its diurnal and seasonal variations are estimated. The models are built connecting surface ozone levels with meteorological parameters in different seasons. Among the parameters mostly affecting daily maximum surface ozone level are the maximum ozone concentration in the previous day, the daily (first of all, maximum) temperature, the wind velocity at a level of 925 GPa, the minimal relative humidity, and O3 levels in the morning hours (about 7 a.m.; because the closer to the noon, the stronger their effect). The meteorological conditions, under which surface ozone concentrations in Novosibirsk exceed the maximum permissible values, are determined.