Vol. 22, issue 06, article # 13

Sakirko M. V., Domysheva V. M., Belykh O. I., Pomazkina G. V., Shimaraev M. N., Panchenko M. V. To the estimation of spatal variability of CO2 flow directions at different hydrological seasons at Lake Baikal. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 06. P. 596-600 [in Russian].
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By results of the ship measurements lead in pelagial of Lake Baikal in May-June and September 2008, spatial seasonal variability of a direction of carbonic gas streams in the system "water-atmosphere" is analyzed. Basic stream СО2 in May-June is directed to the atmosphere, and in September its runoff to the water surface is observed. Connection of biomass of phito- and picoplankton with the contents of carbonic gas and biogenic elements in water of the lake is revealed. It is shown, that the role of specific change of biota is a major factor determining seasonal variability of the direction of the carbonic gas stream.


gas exchange; carbon dioxide; phyto- and pico-plankton; pelagial; biogenic elements