Vol. 22, issue 10, article # 8

Lukin V. P., Ilyasov S. P., Nosov V. V., Odintsov S. L., Tillaev Yu. A. The study of astroclimate of the South Siberia and Central Asia regions. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 973–980 [in Russian].
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The investigations, conducted at the Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS in cooperation with other institutes on measuring atmospheric parameters, defining the quality of the formed optical images are described. The notion of the astroclimate of the atmosphere itself is determined. The new special measurement equipment and the results of the measurements, executed in the region of the South Siberia and Central Asia, in particular, at Maydanak observatory (Uzbekistan) are presented.


astroclimate, outer scale, structural parameter of turbulent atmosphere, coherent structure