Vol. 23, issue 07, article # 12

Savchenko T. I., Chankina O. V., Popova S. A., Kutsenogii K. P. Relationship between element composition of atmospheric aerosols and components of biogeocenosis. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2010. V. 23. No. 07. P. 620-625 [in Russian].
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The method of correlation analysis indicates a closel interaction between concentrations of elements in atmospheric aerosols and tissues of small mammals of the Middle Urals (liver, bone tissues) and in the tissues of wild animals of the Mountain Altai (hair, bone tissues). A similar interaction has been established for the element composition of atmospheric aerosols and for the element composition of atmospheric aerosols and other components of biogeocenosis (plants and soil). The atmospheric aerosols play probably an important role in the global cycling of chemical elements.


element composition, atmospheric aerosols, tissues of animals, components of biogeocenosis