Vol. 24, issue 10, article # 7

Veretennikov V. V., Men'shchikova S. S. Microphysical extrapolation in the problem of inversion of spectral measurememts of the aerosol optical depth. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 10. P. 880-886 [in Russian].
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We consider the special features of determining the aerosol size distribution from spectral measurements of the aerosol optical depth (AOD) with allowance for low information content of the solution in the region of finely dispersed aerosol. We propose an algorithm of the AOD inversion data correction based on the microphysical extrapolation procedure, which allows the contribution of finely dispersed aerosols to be taken into account for the existing models. This approach is used to solve the inverse problem of solar photometry by the integral distribution method. It is investigated in closed numerical experiments.


aerosol microstructure, aerosol optical depth, inverse problem