Vol. 24, issue 11, article # 12

Lapshin V. B., Paleу A. A., Balyshev A. V., Boldyrev I. A., Dubtsov S. N., Tolpygin L. I. Evolution of nanometer-size aerosol in dry and humid environment under the influence of corona discharge. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 11. P. 997-1001 [in Russian].
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The results of experimental research of ion's impact generated by corona discharge on the evolution of spectrum of aerosol particles of nanometric scales are represented. It is shown that the generation of corona discharge in the absence of formed airborne dispersion is accompanied by shifting of spectrum of aerosol's scales to the decrease of their average size, it was also shown that the level of effect caused by corona discharge to evolution of spectral content of aerosols is mainly determined by humidity of environment. Furthermore, the generation of corona discharge is accompanied by forming of new finely divided aerosols (less than 3 nm) and their concentration of scale exceeds the ambient concentration - more than 105 1/sm3). Also it was established that the feature of effect caused by unipolar corona discharge to spectrum of particles in aerosol's camera filled by water (mist), i.e. it was observed the decrease of concentration up to total dissolution of all aerosols including nanometric scale.


corona discharge, evolution of particles of nanometric scales, nanometric aerosol, influence unipolar corona on nanoaerosol