Vol. 25, issue 08, article # 7

Skvortsov V. A., Chudnenko K. V. Thermodynamical model of the carbon emission in the atmosphere and change of climate on the planet. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2012. V. 25. No. 08. P. 688–693 [in Russian].
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It is the first time that thermodynamical (physicochemical) modeling of the carbon emission and other super microscope of solid aerosol particles have been carried out in the earth's surface, at a height of 500 m, at an average temperature of 15°C and in the troposphere, at a height of 2 km and temperature of 3°C (according to pressures of 1013,25 and 790 gPa) has been made with the help of program complex SELEKTOR-C for change condition of the climate on the planet. In modeling the concentration of carbonic acid in the system changed and its influence on the temperature in accordance with geological processes, which happened on planet in the long period has been estimated. It was stated that the temperature might raise up to 1°C by 2070 and up to 2,5°C by 2100 in case that no great changes or disasters take place.


thermodynamic model, emission of carbon, atmosphere, troposphere, temperature, factors, climate