Vol. 26, issue 02, article # 10

Sadykov N. R., Sсorkin N. A. Influence of non-stationary electric field on an array of weakly interactting carbon nanotubes. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 02. P. 160-165 [in Russian].
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The mechanism of influence of non-stationary electric field on system of weakly interacting carbon nanotubes is considered. For current density the equation is received, which is the operator-difference equation of the second order on the space, where "grid points" coincide with grapheme atomic arrangement. It is offered to replace the difference operator by Laplace operator in two-dimensional case. The received results allow to consider the effect of generation of millimeter radiation.


nanoelectromagnetism, microwave radiation, carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles, electric field, nanosecond electrical pulse