Vol. 27, issue 03, article # 3

Isakov A. A., Tikhonov A. V. Relationship between aerosol parameters in Central Russia with air masses. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 03. P. 192-196 [in Russian].
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According to the results of long-term measurements in the Moscow region, relationships between the parameters of the near-surface aerosol and directions of air masses arrival were analyzed. Тhe results of 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010, and 2011 were taken into consideration. The data were obtained by means of the spectropolarimeter, and three-days back trajectories were calculated using a standard NOAA HYSPLIT program. All the possible directions of air masses coming were divided into eight sectors, and belonging of the trajectory to the sector was determined by its initial point and trajectory shapes. The basic characteristics of aerosol (mass concentration M and Hanel parameter) were averaged over sectors. A narrow maximum at the Baltic and the North Atlantics sectors was revealed in the frequency distributions of the trajectories. The mass concentration had a maximum in the Ukraine – Mediterranean sector. Average values of the Hanel parameter do not depend on the direction of air mass transport to the observational site. The averaged temporal distribution of trajectories displays the existence of periodic peaks with a period of about 11–12 weeks for the Baltic – Russian Atlantic and Western Arctic – Polar Urals sectors. In other sectors, the distributions on their time-based realizations were relatively homogeneous.


near surface aerosol, mass concentration, condensation activity, back trajectories


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