Vol. 27, issue 04, article # 15

Ivanov I. V., Ivanov V. N. Non-linear interaction of atoms with the environment as one of the causes of local thermodynamical equilibrium disturbance in gas-discharge plasma. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 04. P. 350-353 [in Russian].
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Theoretically, by an example of a hydrogen-like atom one of the possible causes of the disturbance of local thermodynamic equilibrium is examined. Using the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, which is constructed for quantum systems interacting with the environment, population of atomic energy levels is numerically simulated. It was assumed that atoms have a permanent stochastic perturbation. It was found that at high temperatures the probability of population distribution is almost the same as the Boltzmann distribution. However, at relatively low temperatures, there is a noticeable deviation of populations from this distribution. This gives grounds to believe that the nonlinear interaction of atoms with the environment leads to disturbance of local thermodynamic equilibrium.


the stochastic perturbation, nonlinear interaction with the environment


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