Vol. 27, issue 06, article # 2

Kuznetsova I. N., Glazkova A. A., Shalygina I. Yu., Nahaev M. I., Arkhangelskaya A. A., Zvyagintsev A. M., Semutnikova E. G., Zakharova P. V., Lesina E. A. Seasonal and diurnal variability of particulate matter PM10 in surface air of Moscow habitable districts. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 06. P. 473–482 [in Russian].
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Seasonal and diurnal characteristics of particulate matter (PM10) variability in surface air of Moscow for period January 2008 – August 2013 are presented. In the cold season, the mean PM10 concentrations, their average and standard deviations were of the order of 17–21, 15–18, and 9–12 μg • m–3 at urban background network stations. In the warm season (April–October), the mean PM10 concentrations, their average and standard deviations were of the order of 25–31, 21–27, and 14–20 •μg • m–3. Differences of aerosol pollution regimes in Moscow and Western European megacities (including London) are analyzed. In distinct from Moscow the aerosol seasonal maximal concentrations in the Western Europe are observed during the cold season. In summer, aerosol concentrations in Moscow and Western European megacities are close. The study establishes a great influence of climatic conditions and different sources of aerosol pollution in regions, which are thousands kilometers distant. It is suggested that aerosol episodes due to local emissions under adverse meteorological conditions are mostly frequent in Moscow, but short (2–3 days) episodes caused by long-range air transport of PM10 are observed every year.


аir quality, particulate matter РМ10, daily and seasonal variability РМ10, pollution episodes


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