Vol. 27, issue 09, article # 8

Kamardin A. P., Odintsov S. L., Skorokhodov A. V. Identification of internal gravity waves in the atmospheric boundary layer from sodar data. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 09. P. 812-818 [in Russian].
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The paper describes a technique for automatic identification of internal gravity (buoyancy) waves in the atmospheric boundary layer from results of remote acoustic sounding. The technique is based on the analysis of sodar echograms with the use of artificial intelligence and digital image processing methods. The technique is intended for identification of a certain type of manifestation of internal gravity waves in sodar echograms and tested with a great number of experimental data. The periods and amplitudes of internal gravity waves of this type are estimated from a test sample of 72 sodar echograms.


atmospheric boundary layer, internal gravity waves, sodar


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