Vol. 27, issue 10, article # 13

Lavrinov V. V., Lavrinova L. N., Tuev M. V. Numerical simulation of the algorithm to compute the voltage control for the flexible mirror depending on the representation of information on the wavefront. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 10. P. 925–931 [in Russian].
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Shack–Hartmann sensor represents a wavefront as centroids of the focal spots. Wavefront information can be presented as the difference of the coordinate data on centers of sub-apertures or the local wavefront tilts, or coefficients of the basis functions in the decomposition of the measured wavefront, or the values of the basis functions in its two-dimensional distribution. Voltages calculated from the sensor measurements, that control for the flexible mirror will change depending on the form of information on the wavefront. The paper presents the numerical results giving an assessment of the effectiveness of the algorithm for calculating the mirror control voltages depending on the presentation of the wavefront. The studies performed are based on the analysis of experimental data on an atmospheric path.


flexible mirror control, response function, wavefront sensor


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