Vol. 28, issue 01, article # 8

Komarov V. S., Matvienko G. G., Ilin S. N., Lomakina N. Ya. Evaluation of local features of long-term changes in cloud cover over the territory of Siberia from results of climatic zoning according to total and lower cloudiness conditions. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 01. P. 59-65 [in Russian].
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The statistical analysis results of the local features of long-term changes in cloud cover over the territory of Siberia realized using 45-year (1969-2013) series of meteorological observations of 60 stations and data of the climatic zoning of the region according to total and lower cloudiness conditions are shown.
It has been found that a weak growth of the amount of total and lower cloudiness took place almost everywhere (except Arctic regions of Siberia, where the tendencies to decrease in total clouds and to increase in lower ones were dominated) during all seasons for 45-year period and from 1976 to 2005, during intense global warming, while from 2006 to 2013, when the intensity of this warming became much weaker, well marked decrease in both the total and lower cloudiness was observed especially in winter and spring.


amount of total and lower cloudiness, long-term changes, trends, climatic zoning, Siberian region


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