Vol. 28, issue 06, article # 13

Nahaev M. I., Bеrеzin E. V., Shalygina I. Yu., Kuznetsova I. N., Konovalov I. B., Blinov D. V., Lesina E. A. Pilot calculations of РМ10 and СО concentrations with complex models CHIMERE and COSMO-Ru7. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 06. P. 569–578. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20150613 [in Russian].
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A brief description of an original chemistry-transport model (CTM) based on technology of modeling and forecasting air pollutant concentrations is presented. Earlier results of evaluation of CHIMERE CTM outputs against measurements in the Moscow region demonstrated the adequacy of the simulation when WRF-ARW meteorological data were used. Initial CHIMERE CTM simulations based on the COSMO-Ru7 meteorological model outputs are presented and compared to the cases of standard and extreme conditions with air pollution monitoring data as well as to simulations based on the WRF-ARW calculations.


modeling of air pollution, chemistry-transport model CHIMERE, COSMO-Ru7 forecasts


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