Vol. 28, issue 07, article # 8

Golovko V. V., Istomin V. L., Kutsenogii K. P. Determination of the sedimentation rate of weed pollen of both individual grains and their agglomerates. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 07. P. 655-660. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20150708 [in Russian].
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A study was made of the pollen particle sedimentation of the weeds of several species growing in Western Siberia. The percentage of individual grains and their agglomerates resulting from spraying was calculated. The sedimentation rate of aggllomerates, consisting of one to six pollen grains, was determined. The sedimentation rate of agglomerates was found to depend on the number of the pollen grains involved


sedimentation rate, pollen grains, agglomerates, anemophilic plants, air impact


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