Vol. 28, issue 08, article # 10

Konyaev P. A., Botygina N. N., Antoshkin L. V., Emaleev O. N., Lukin V. P. Аbоut measurement of the structure characteristic of atmospheric refractive index by passive optical methods. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 08. P. 738–741. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20150810 [in Russian].
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Development of a passive optical method for estimating the atmospheric turbulence strength (refractive index structure constant Cn2 of atmosphere) from image jitter is discussed. It is proposed that high rate digital camera and fast parallel 2-D image processing algorithms are used for real-time Cn2 measurements. A comparison is made of the results obtained by passive and active optical and acoustic methods.


атмосферная турбулентность, структурная постоянная, дрожание изображения, радиальная мира


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