Vol. 29, issue 06, article # 6

Vinogradova A. A., Smirnov N. S., Korotkov V. N. Extreme wildfires in Russia during summertimes of 2010 and 2012: atmospheric transport of black carbon to the Arctic. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 06. P. 482–487. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20160606 [in Russian].
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Model estimates of black carbon (BC) air concentrations were made for some Arctic points under extreme wildfires in Russia during summertimes of 2010 and 2012. The initial information on monthly burned areas by fires on the territories of Russian administrative units through 2000–2013 were taken from the official site of Federal Forestry Agency of RF (Rosleshoz). These data were converted in BC atmospheric emissions taking into account differences in flora and fire types. Atmospheric BC concentrations in the Arctic were calculated with the help of back-trajectory statistics for five arctic points situated on Kola Peninsula, in the south-east of Arkhangelsk area, and at Nenetsky, Gydansky, Ust’-Lensky Nature Reserves.
Specific circulation conditions in the atmosphere accompanying extreme fires can decrease transport efficiency from fire territories to the Arctic points. BC air concentrations are minimal in the north-western areas of European Russia and near Ust’-Lensky Nature Reserve. The region near Nenetsky Nature Reserve (in the north-eastern part of Europe) is polluted by BC from fires maximally. At the same time, the north-western areas of Siberia are mainly polluted by BC from anthropogenic emissions. Intense wildfires in Siberia and Yakutiya can increase BC air concentrations in summertime in the North of the Asian part of Russia.
The results of the work may be used as qualitative estimates in comparative climatic or ecological analysis for different arctic regions.


black carbon, soot, nature forest fires, Russian BC emissions, long-range atmospheric transport, the Arctic


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