Vol. 29, issue 08, article # 5

Pustovalov K. N., Nagorskiy P. M. The main types of electric field variations during the passage of cumulonimbus clouds of different genesis. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 08. P. 647–653. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20160805 [in Russian].
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Variations in the potential gradient of the electric field in the surface air layer during the passage of cumulonimbus clouds (Cumulonimbus, Cb) are investigated. More than 450 cases with Cb were reviewed. The method of selection of the structural elements, according to the potential gradient variations caused by the passage of Cb, was suggested. The formalization of the selected variations was carried out and the main types of the electric field potential gradient changes were identified. The parameters characterizing the potential gradient variation and its structural elements were defined for each type of the potential gradient variations. Interrelations between the features of the potential gradient variation types and characteristics of different origin Cb at different development stages were described.


turbulence, high-altitude turbulence profile, laser guide stars


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