Vol. 29, issue 10, article # 6

Russkova T. V., Zhuravleva T. B. The optimization of sequential code for simulation of solar radiative transfer in a vertically heterogeneous environment. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 10. P. 836–842. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20161006 [in Russian].
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Article belongs to the series of works aimed at improving the performance of radiation codes that implement the statistical Monte Carlo method. A brief description of the main blocks of the two programs for calculating the intensity of solar radiation in a vertically inhomogeneous medium, basis, in FORTRAN, and its optimized version, in the C language, is presented. The results of tests aimed at assessing the performance of each of the code under different conditions of numerical experiment are presented. In the cases examined, the performance indicators of optimized C code were higher as compared with the basis one. It is shown that differences in execution time of the codes are reduced by increasing the optical density of the atmosphere, and using more efficient computers. Developed C program can serve as a basis for creating a high-performance radiation code.


solar radiation, clouds, Monte Carlo method, numerical simulation, optimization, Fortran and C programming languages


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