Vol. 29, issue 12, article # 9

Mamyshev V. P., Odintsov S. L. Dispersion of phase of narrow-band acoustic signals at near-surface paths. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 12. P. 1061–1067. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20161209 [in Russian].
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The “instantaneous” phase of narrow-band acoustic signals propagating along short near-surface paths under the effect of the wind field has been analyzed. The phase was divided into the deterministic, quasi-deterministic (“local”), and random (“turbulent”) components. Histograms of the turbulent phase component and the results of approximation of these histograms by the normal probability distribution law have been considered. An empirical equation, which relates the dispersion of phase at different frequencies with the dispersion of wind velocity at the sound propagation path, has been derived and compared with theoretical equations.


acoustic, wind, surface layer, turbulence, phase


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