Vol. 3, issue 03, article # 12

pdf Murynin A. B., Lupyan E. A. Reconstruction of the spatial spectral characteristics of the ocean-atmosphere boundary from optical sounding data. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1990. V. 3. No. 03. P. 264-270.
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It is shown that isolines of the slopes of the sea surface are fractal curves and can be characterized by a fractional dimension, and the fractional dimension is determined by the exponent of the rises in the surface. It is shown that for a monotonic "slope-brightness" transfer function the isolines of the image can be related to the solines of the surface. The dependence of the fractal dimension of the isolines on the spectral index p is obtained for a two-dimensional isotropic random field. The inverse function, which makes it possible to evaluate the spectrum of the surface from the fractal dimension of the isolines, is constructed.


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