Vol. 3, issue 05, article # 16

pdf Znamenskii I. V., Tikhomirov A. A. Optimization and calculation of the parameters of a laser altimeter with incoherent reception. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1990. V. 3. No. 05. P. 503-509.
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A graphic-analytical method is proposed for calculating the parameters of a pulsed laser altimeter with incoherent reception. An expression is derived for the signal-noise ratio at the output of the photodetector. This expression is used to determine the probability of correct detection of a signal based on the given probability of a false alarm and the tactical characteristics and specifitions of the altimeter. The observation interval is optimized in order to maximize the probability of correct detection of the signal and the value of the threshold is chosen. It is shown that the pulse detector processing sheme is insensitive to a 50% change in the observation interval. The error in measuring the range based on the interval between the leading edges of the sounding and reflected pulses is estimated. The potential accuracies of the range measurements are compared for different pulse detector processing schemes. The critical angle of inclination of the underlying surface, for which the power of the received signal at the input to the photodetector is equal to the threshold value, is found.