Vol. 3, issue 06, article # 9

pdf Ignatov A. M., Suetin V. S. Efficiency of the three-angle method for determining the temperature of the ocean surface from remote measurements of the IR radiation from space. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1990. V. 3. No. 06. P. 568-573.
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A model analysis of comparative effectiveness of two- and three-angle schemes for determining the temperature of the ocean surface is performed in the approximation of an absolutely black surface and a clear and aerosol-free atmosphere. The estimates were obtained using the method of local linearization of the transfer equations; this method makes it possible to take into account a priori information about the variability of the atmosphere in different regions. It is shown that the use of the three-angle scheme is justified under conditions when the errors in recording the IR radiation are reduced to ~0.01ºK.


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