Vol. 30, issue 02, article # 7

Sitnov S. A., Mokhov I. I., Dzhola A. V. Impact of Siberian wildfires on the content of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere over European Russia in summer 2016. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 02. P. 146–152. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170207 [in Russian].
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With the use of ground-based and satellite measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) an analysis of the reason of the increase in CO over European Russia (ER) in the summer of 2016 was carried out. The results showed that the increase in the CO content was due to the long-range transport of combustion products from wildfires in Siberia. Predominant location over the central part of Northern Eurasia of the high-pressure area to the north of the area of low pressure, which is characteristic for the dipole type of atmospheric blocking, contributed to the anomalous transport of CO from east to west.


carbon monoxide, CO, anomalous long-range transport, atmospheric blocking, Siberian wildfires 2016, ground-based spectroscopic CO measurements, AIRS


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