Vol. 30, issue 11, article # 6

Ageev B. G., Gruzdev A. N., Ponomarev Yu. N., Sapozhnikova V. A. Variations of residual СО2 and total pressure in conifer woody roots. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 11. P. 941–947. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171106 [in Russian].
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In continuation of works on the determination of cyclic tree stem CO2 efflux, vacuum-extracted gas samples of large woody roots of Siberian stone pine and Scots pine are studied. Spectral and cross- spectral analyses reveal the cyclic character of variations in the chronologies. This behavior of total pressure and CO2 in large roots testifies to possible cyclic diffusion of CO2 from large roots into soil and then into the atmosphere, which can be considered as a new feature of autotroph respiration. An attempt is made to revise previously obtained results in some related works on the basis of cyclic large root CO2 efflux.


CO2, total pressure, woody roots, cyclicity


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