Vol. 31, issue 02, article # 9

Aloyan A. E., Еrmakov A. N., Arutyunyan V. O. Aerosols in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. Sulfate particles in northern latitudes. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 02. P. 136–142. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180209 [in Russian].
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Numerical calculations have been performed to obtain the wintertime atmospheric concentrations of sulfate aerosols (SAs) and particles of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) in both hemispheres using the mathematical model of transport of multicomponent gaseous admixtures and aerosols. It has been found that a key factor determining the type of aerosol particles in the atmosphere is the temperature distribution. In northern latitudes, only Junge layer particles are found, while the atmosphere above the tropics is characterized by local areas of formation of PSC particles: supercooled ternary solutions H2SO4/HNO3/H2O, nitric acid trihydrate (NAT), and ice particles.


polar stratospheric clouds, sulfate aerosol, kinetics, photochemistry, condensation/evaporation, coagulation, nucleation


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