Vol. 31, issue 05, article # 7

Azbukin A. A., Bogushevich A. Ya., Lukin V. P., Nosov V. V., Nosov E. V., Torgaev A. V. Hardware-software complex for studying the structure of the fields of turbulent fluctuations of temperature and wind. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 05. P. 378–384. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180507 [in Russian].
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A new hardware-software ultrasonic complex AMK-03-4 is created for measurements of the characteristics of turbulent weather fields. In contrast to similar measuring instruments, the complex consists of four identical ultrasonic anemometers. The design of the complex allows one to record not only turbulent, but also statistical characteristics of spatial derivatives of turbulent pulsations of temperature and orthogonal wind speed components along the Cartesian axes. This allows investigating the spatial-temporal structure of turbulent meteorological fields of a surface air layer for subsequent applications in the similarity theory. Besides, the standard algorithm for calculation of structural characteristics of fluctuations of temperature and wind speed used in the ultrasonic anemometers is improved, which provides for considerably lower errors of their measurements.


turbulence, ultrasonic anemometer, spatial derivatives


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