Vol. 31, issue 11, article # 4

Kaloshin G. A. Development of the MaexPro aerosol model of marine and coastal atmosphere surface laye. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 11. P. 881–887. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181104 [in Russian].
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MaexPro aerosol model of marine and coastal surface layer is presented. It is based on long-term observations of the particles sizes distribution in the 0.01–100 mm size range. A key feature of the model is the parameterization of the amplitude and width of modes of the aerosol size distribution function (ASDF) as functions of fetch and wind speed. The ASDF form and dependences on the altitude above sea level and relative humidity are studied. An expression is derived for the altitude profile of the aerosol extinction coefficient. Significant differences in its spectra at different altitudes are shown, the most pronounced in the altitude range from 0 to 10 m due to the gravitational effect on the medium and coarse fractions of the marine salt aerosol (MSA) particles. The model allows calculation of optical indexes of MSA particles versus the humidity in the wavelength range 0.2–16 mm. The domain of applicability of the model is determined.


microphysics and optics of aerosol, Mie scattering, wind mode, fetch, parameterization, modeling, software


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