Vol. 32, issue 02, article # 9

Makarov V. N. Ingress of carbon with ions of organic carboxylic acids (formate, acetate, and oxalate) in the snow cover of frozen landscapes. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 02. P. 151–155. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190209 [in Russian].
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The ingress of carbon into the snow cover with ions of organic carboxylic acids (formic (formate), acetic (acetate), and oxalic (oxalate)) in the permafrost landscapes of Eastern Siberia is studied. The content of ions of organic carboxylic acids is estimated in areas with the latitude-zonal and mountain-belt type of permafrost landscapes. The maximal content is observed in middle-taiga landscapes. The density of ingress of ions of organic carboxylic acids in snow of permafrost landscapes is subject to altitudinal zonation and follows a decrease in the total mass of plants, which are the main source of organic carboxylic acids in the atmosphere. In the middle-taiga landscapes, organic carboxylic acids can have a significant effect on the ingress of carbon with precipitation. In all mountain-belt types of permafrost landscapes, the bulk of carbon comes from carbonates (bicarbonates), and the role of organic carboxylic acids in the ingress of carbon into snow is insignificant and sharply decreases with an increase in altitude.


Siberia, permafrost landscapes, snow, organic carboxylic acids (formic, acetic, oxalic), migration


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