Vol. 32, issue 09, article # 12

Aksenov V. P., Dudorov V. V., Kolosov V. V. Atmospheric singular optics: from wave front dislocations to synthesis of vortex laser beams. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 09. P. 792-798. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190912 [in Russian].
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A review of studies on the singular optics of scalar wave fields carried out in the world and IAO SB RAS is performed. The results of the study of the processes of birth and annihilation of phase singularities are generalized. The methods of reconstruction of the singular phase and their applicability to the problems of adaptive focusing of radiation in randomly inhomogeneous media are analyzed. The results of the analysis of the energy, statistical, and topological properties of vortex optical beams propagating in a turbulent atmosphere are presented. The results of the synthesis of vortex beams with on-line control of the orbital angular momentum based on the matrix approach developed at IAO SB RAS are demonstrated.


vortex beam, turbulent atmosphere, intensity fluctuations, probability density functions


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